the forgotten one
ooc-poor poor Davi..

DaVinci was pressed against the corner of the shack as Laruku ranted and raved from the farside of the room. He wasn't for certain what exactly he'd done but it was obvious that he wasn't really welcome anymore. He wasn't for certain if he'd been welcome in the first place but now atleast he knew the answer to that. The door seemed to explode and then the light was gone again as another filled the space in the room. The voice that called out made him shake his head as he mouthed the word she'd spoken, Daddy? He turned his stormy eyes to the girl and tried to figure out just who she was until she granted her name, for Laruku, for daddy, not for him.

The cooing and calming from her voice for Laruku made him shrink farther into the corner as the anger from the male seemed to lick at his pelt like fire. His ears were pinned back against his skull as he came to realize that the girl actually was the madman's daughter, though DaVinci seemed to have missed a lot in the time he'd disappeared across the sea. The words he'd been granted from his relative made him turn his face away from those milky eyes that seemed to accuse and to place blame.. until with time he realized that Laruku hadn't been speaking about him.

The boy felt stupid with every word that the elder hybrid spoke as his insanity seemed to ring clearer in DaVinci's mind. Something had happened that he wasn't clear on but Rachias made one thing clear as she glared darts in his direction while she spoke. He wobviously wasn't wanted and she seemed to be daring him to announce that he hadn't indeed disappeared.. as dense as he'd been to notice that Laruku had been speaking on his own life and not that of Iskata's son, he wasn't that stupid. He kept to his corner and kept quiet, sinking down to the floor as his eyes took in a sight that he probably shouldn't have been allowed to bear witness to but there was no way around it.

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