gambling with a d20
ooc: Big GrinBig Grin

He wanted to stay in the cover of the grass, so that whoever it wasn't wouldn't be able to attack him, but his curiousity was beginning to get the better of him. What did Anselm know anyway? Maybe it wasn't a wolf at all, but another coyote. He could hear what she was saying and could understand it, but some of the words that she spoke were unfamiliar. He thought about them for a moment. Mead? What was that?

He emerged, a puzzled look on his face. What sort of an animal was it? Some kind of a cat, maybe? He had seen cougars before....but no, she wasn't the right color. And she was built sort of like him, but she looked different, at the same time. He'd never seen her kind before. But then, maybe she hadn't seen any that looked like him before either. "I don't knows any storytellers. What does that mean? And what is mead?" Sirius did want to ask her where she'd come from, but he didn't know if it would be rude or not. He hadn't had very many conversations with wolves other than his father or other family members. But whether this creature was a threat or not didn't really matter to him any more--he was excited by the prospect of even speaking to someone else, someone new. She didn't look like she wanted to hurt him, anyway. "You is got a cool...hairs. Your hairs are different colours"


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