And every time it rains, are the angels crying?

Lexey chuckled as the child ordered her to stop pushing him around. She didn’t say anything though, not wanting to anger him now that he was finally showing some genuine interest. Instead, she kept going until they reached the entrance. It might’ve been cloudy, but they could definitely see much better now that the outside light was lending them a hand. She sat down, and Pickles mirrored his pseudo-mom’s movements by doing the same.

Still smiling, she offered a reply to his question. "I told you earlier, he’s a chinchilla. Kind of like a mouse and a bunny mixed together. His name is Pickles, and I think he likes you.” Alexey pushed her little friend toward the puppy with her front paw, giving him the opportunity to examine the rabbit-sized rodent a little better. Pickles complied, fully aware that he was in no direct danger.


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