i wanna heal your deepest scars
Rachias suspected that she might give the younger female a bit of a surprise, both from her approach and the fact that she had only just returned after being gone for so long, but the reaction that she did receive was far more panicked than she had expected. Rachias practically jumped herself when Talitha jolted to her feet, letting out a small gasp and stumbling away from the fleeing girl. She stopped only a few steps from where she had started, face immediately growing dim and concerned, watching as the girl finally turned and realized who she was. The recognition there, however uneasy it seemed, made the girl happy, but the way that she had been received in the first place brought a deep concern over her.

"It's me Tali.." She spoke suddenly, quiet and soothing, some feeble attempt to reassure her niece. She had come home from an unsuccessful attempt to find her brother or his body, to find that her father was suddenly ill and possibly dying, and now it seemed like something else horrible had happened to yet another member of her family. This caught Rachias hard, despite the fact that she didn't know what happened, if anything. They had been so little when she had seen them, she had been small herself, and they were still young. It didn't seem as if anyone would be allowed a normal childhood.

"Is someone after you Tali?" She asked then, unmoving, not wanting to spook her any more than she already had. What reason would she have to act in such a way if someone wasn't out looking for her? That in itself brought on the questions of who and why.


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