the forgotten one

Sounds good to me! :o Let's put Laruku to bed real quick then?

Her words were comforting, even if he didn't believe them. It was always be there, the shadow in his mind, the hole in his soul that allowed him to do damnable deeds and laugh. He could deny it; he could supress it sometimes. It would fall silent for months only to return at a moment's notice. As long as he continued breathing, the other would as well. There was no cure for the mind's ailments. Even in the world of humans, their drugs could only put a pretty cover over the dirty monsters, not make them disappear.

She touched him and he suddenly remembered who she was. Someone who would not have existed if he had had a choice. Someone who had been through too much already. Someone who deserved better. Someone he was still terrified, terrified of hurting somehow, someday; whether by living or dying, he was destined to hurt her eventually. Okay, he conceded quietly, flattening his ears against his head like a child being scolded. For the while, he forgot about the ghost in the room.


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