the forgotten one
He seemed okay, somehow back to himself, at the least. He always seemed to gentle and passive, at least that side of him, and that was the side that Rachias had become attached to. There had always been the chance that she would have gone either way. Somewhere, far in the back of her mind, she liked to think that her father had been able to fight off his other side for her sake. It was a selfish thought, she knew, but it was nice to think sometimes. Certainly, with Ryoujoku's guidance, she would have turned out to be a horrid little child. Things hadn't happened that way though, and now she was Laruku's little girl.

"You have us all very worried. Even friends coming to see you now." She hoped that the mention of other people wouldn't throw him back into a frenzy and, beyond that, she hoped that the frightened male in the corner was indeed a friend, lest she eat his face off. Using her arms to guide him, touching him and applying pressure gently, she attempted to lead him back to his makeshift bed, ignoring the stranger in the corner for the time. "We'll get you settled but then I have to go out for a bit. I'll come back and read to you after you rest." It sounded like something nice to to, anyways. Rachias had to hope that hearing a book wouldn't confuse him more, but rather offer some kind of comfort.


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