and i looked to the sky
SO YEAH I'm basically a failure for taking so long to get this up. D: Apologies!

Ehno continued his work on the roof as Naniko inspected the contents of the bag. It appeared that the bag had been the only major blockage up there. "That's all?" he called back, intending to take a look when he went back down. He finished digging out most of the remaining leaves, determined to leave the gutter as clutter-free as possible. He knew that if he left the leaves up there now, the gutter could possibly get blocked again when autumn came and the trees dropped their leaves once more. Satisfied with his work, he carefully made his way back to the ladder.

Amber eyes studied the ladder for a moment as he pondered just how he would get down. Going head-first seemed like it would be too dangerous. So, the Corvus turned himself around, feeling for the top rung with his pack paw. Slowly and carefully, he made his way back down the creaky old ladder. He wasn’t so anxious this time, comforted by the thought that each step lower brought him to safety. He sighed in relief as all four paws reached the ground, and he gave Naniko a grin as he stepped toward her. “Mission Complete,” he said, sitting down next to the Andromeda. Ehno then turned his attention to the open bag at her feet, and his eyes widened at the sight of its contents. “Those are diamonds.” The wonder was clear in his voice. “I was told in Europe that they’re extremely valuable. The humans apparently regarded them highly, and many Luperci back there do as well."

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