There goes my fare thee well
"It can be hard sometimes." She began with a faint nod, keeping gentle eyes on him. "It's especially hard if you've always lived in a place with others. Even if you never really got to know them or spent time with them, they were still always there, you always knew there was someone else there. Makes you feel kind of lonely sometimes." That had been the hardest for her to adjust to, knowing that there wasn't anyone else with her. Even if she never spent time with the members of Clouded Tears or very much of her family when in Inferni, knowing that she was alone and on her own made her feel lonely. "It's not always like that though. It could be different for you than it was for me." Maybe he wanted to be alone, but Rachias sort of doubted that.

"Keeping yourself taken care of and fed can be hard sometimes also, if you don't know how to hunt or fish on your own." She was certain that he knew that, but the girl was discreetly seeking information from the young male. Did he know how to hunt or fish? She wouldn't want to send him off thinking that he could make it on his own without being sure that he could feed himself. If he couldn't, she could easily come up with many reasons that might weigh his mind heavily against going off on his own.


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