bird on a wire
mall-caps;">this table was touched by Misery

It scared her to think of dying alone. Having no one at her side, no one to comfort her? The thought chilled her to the very bone. In some way, she expected to be alone. It would be hardly any better than being chained up in a cage like the creature had been, left to suffer alone at the owner's digressions. Her ears flickered back as he turned to her, asking what she was up to. With a sheepish smile she unlatched the bag, taking from it a couple books to show him. "You probably already know most of the stuff in here....but I dont know much about rats, and I found Zor pretty interesting. So I found some books so I might educate myself with them!" they would be a welcome addition to the library, since the little white rat had been a welcome addition to the pack. "And what about the two of you?" She asked, head tilting slightly.

A cascade of red fell into her face, covering up one of her eyes. With an impassive sigh she reached up, pushing the strands of amber out of her eyes and tucked it behind her ear. Though on most days she did love her hair, it was unusual and unique from the rest of the world she had seen, some moments she was just aggravated by it. "I'm glad I ran into you guys...I honestly wasn't expecting to so soon. I was just going to pass by until I caught your scent...making this the first time I've actually been in here." It was exciting, but at the same time slightly scary. The whole park had the feel like at any moment, it might cave in on itself. "I heard humans visited these parks for fun...played games, rode giant rides.....some of them look pretty dangerous to me!" Like the one, off in the distance, where the metal twisted...which if the cart followed it perfectly, would send the riders upside down. And there was no way that Fatin would ever, ever be so bold as to trust a contraption that would put her upside down.

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