take me back to the age of innocence

He didn't understand what was going on. He'd never seen someone act this way, and didn't know the reasons behind what Talitha was doing. She seemed kind of pathetic to him, the way she backed away from him. He'd only gone back because he had thought she was sick...he didn't want to get whatever it was. But she wasn't sick? Then why did she want to back up from him? He wasn't that bad a guy. And now she was shaking, too. What the heck had he done?

Whatever it was, he wanted to make it better. But what medicine was there that could help someone who was shaky? Maybe she was shaking because she was cold. "You look funny, too." He stated when he realized it, making a motion toward himself. He looked different, and so did she. Neither of them were full coyote, but both were living in these strange lands. "You's cold? I has some furs in the den...I can get them for you?"

She looked scared, even more scared than he was. But she smelled strongly of Inferni...she wasn't new. Sirius came a little closer again, but slowly. He didn't want her running away again before he could help her. "I am sorries that I maked you afraid or cold. I is not having a place to sleep, and I is looking for one...I did not see you at first."


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