there is a fire defragmenting the attic

indent There it was; that noise. Gabriel had realized that noise was power when he had heard it from Conri. That desperate, scratching, begging, scream. That plead, that demand, that curse. It was power because it meant he had control. He had control of the sick man like he had control of the Nothing boy. His smile widened, and his face turned crazed. He looked as mad as his father in the next room over, as mad as his mother when she had killed her first daughter, as mad as God and all His angels when they had set about destroying the human race.

indent And Gabriel laughed, leaning closer. “You have to suffer,” he stated. “You’re a sinner, and all sinners pay in the end.” Laruku’s eyes were wide and rolling, but they never seemed to find him. That was all right. Gabriel didn’t need to look him in the eyes. Not yet. “Death won’t come to you because you don’t deserve it. No man has the right to ask for death before his time. Before he pays for everything he did.” By this point, Gabriel was so close to Laruku’s face he could feel his breath. The doggish hybrid’s eyes narrowed and his face darkened, breaking into a vicious snarl. “Say His name again,” he commanded, and twisted the scarred wrist. “Pray to Him, and pray for the people you hurt. Beg for forgiveness! BEG FOR FORGIVENESS FOR YOUR SINS! He was screaming, raving, and it felt like heaven.


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