I never learn

_____Recognition turned up in her eyes and it seemed like this time around she remembered who they were. Those funny coyotes that hovered over her for a while and then it had just been him. And then he had gone to sleep and sometime between the late night and the early morning she had come around again and fled. He didn't need to ask why, if only because he imagined it was probably a little weird to wake up and have some drunk of a coyote sitting across a fire from her in a place she didn't know anything about. He was pretty sure if he had been in the same position, getting up and running away would have the first thing to do.

_____“Things are… okay, I guess. We're okay too. Something like that. A couple of folks hanging around are sick so we've been taking care of ‘em,” or really, poor Rachias had been the one taking care of them. Not him, he wasn't that useful. All he did was supply them with food and occasionally water when Rachias was too tied up talking to them. Of course, that was all aside from giving them a place to stay and everything. Nikita had a cold, or so his mind like to argue. There wasn't any way she could have been getting sick like the trio that were already sick.

_____He wrinkled up his nose for a moment at the stirred dust in the air, and then bent to pick up the wagon handle to pull it along. Awkwardly, for that matter, given that the handle was a little short and he was a little bit taller than Jasper, who had no problem whatsoever pulling the damn thing along. Another downed swig, and he shrugged his shoulders loosely. “I was kind of thinking about wandering around some more, so if you want to tag along, I won't object.”

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