I think I'm progressively making less sense as the day goes on, so I apologise in advance if this is crappy. XD
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_____“Well, now I didn't just turn up right after the fire, so you do the math,” Corona returned stiffly, noting the scepticism and taking a little bit of annoyance to it. She doubted her word alone would be good enough, but then again there was an almost feeling of superiority that rushed her mentally; it was very possible that the younger girl was inclined to be sceptical of such a thing because she hadn't been taught such things. “But if you don't believe me, I suggest you ask my brother about it.” At the same time, it was a little bit childish to get in a huff about such a thing and yet… it was kind of fun. Or something like that, the author has no idea what in the hell she is babbling about at this point!


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