you see all my light, and you love my dark
OOC: *gasp* What is that thread title from? I know it and I love it. XDDD


The past few weeks had been painful, slow, and dark. Kol hadn't spent too much time away from her little house, aside from the one venture into the neutral lands when Lexey had gone missing. Said venture had resulted in more injuries for the girl, and the encounter with a strange, cloaked savior whose identity still remained a mystery. When she'd returned to Dahlia, Kol had at least heard that Lexey was alright, so that was one worry off the newly promoted Bluet's mind. The war with Inferni was officially over with the exchange of each side's hostage; another set of good news as far as Kol was concerned. She couldn't come to believe that the entirety of Inferni was to blame for what had happened to Mew and the others. After all, she'd spent what could be called nothing less than a pleasant night with Inferni's very second-in-command, Anselm. She'd seen him at the battle, yes. She'd also locked gazes with him, and knew he'd seen her. And he'd purposely avoided her completely during the fight, even when he got there to find that she was the only one not already engaged. No creature was purely dark unless they chose to be. Just as none was purely light. Even Kol fancied herself a good soul, but her entire family carried the string they called the Darkness within them. It was the legacy of their bloodline; a legacy of blackness and insanity. Kol could only hope she could control it better than those before her.

Early morning had found the Stormbringer curled up in the little master bedroom in the back of her house. The king size bed with the partially torn mattress was more than large enough for her unshifted frame. Her left eye was no longer swollen shut, the scabs from her wounds finally healed enough that they were starting to peel away. Thankfully, there was no lasting damage to her eyesight in that eye, at least so far. Kol doubted she got away that easy, and expected that she'd get some sort of lasting effect later in life. Her grandaunt had gone blind in her right eye at the age of five for the very same reason, and strangely, the thought of losing half her sight didn't bother Kol nearly as much as she thought it would. Maybe she was just happy to get away mostly unharmed, but for a few deep wounds and injuries that would simply take time to heal. Maybe she was also just happy that none of those she cared for had been lost in the senseless war.

As if conjured by the thought, a soft bark echoed through the hallway of the little home, followed by a scratch at the door. The voice that spoke the question was more than a welcome on, and Kol's ears perked as she smiled. Thumping her tail, she called out into the grey light that filtered through her windows. "Lexey! Come on in, the door's open. I'm in the back bedroom, just come on back!"

Table by Tay


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