don't take your guns to town
mall-caps;">TABLE BY MISERY

Josiah pondered the male’s words, but could not bring himself to agree. The inhabitants of the penitentiary had perhaps been intriguing, but Josiah could not bring himself to believe that cold blooded killers and doers of various other horrendous crimes could possibly be magnificent. ”I suppose it would depend on what you view as magnificent,” he countered, not wishing to stir up an argument but merely sharing his thoughts on the matter.

The male shared his name as Tamerlane, an interesting one, in Josiah’s mind. ”Very little,” he admitted, glancing around at the ceilings of the prison. ”In fact, I know very little of Bleeding Souls in itself. I’ve only recently come to these lands,” he offered, shrugging his shoulders slightly as the white rat squirmed about in his pocket. ”Have you been in ‘Souls for very long?”


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