take me back to the age of innocence
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The "strange and dark" caves were something like anything out of her dreams; they were comfort to her. She stayed with her father in them, and soon would be joined by her mother, but that was yet to be foretold. It was yet even to occur. She didn't really consider the question for long, but took her time in responding simply because a green bug that looked a bit like a leaf had caught her attention, shuffling easily over a fallen branch and stopping when Sirius' shadow fell over it. She was mildly intrigued by the way it became stalk still, and she almost could have giggled, if she could remember how to laugh. The screams in her head were mostly silenced, and while she knew it was temporary, she was more than glad for the time away from it all.

My dad and I stay in the caves, she said quietly. If it wasn't obvious who her father was, that was okay; she would more than happily tell anyone who asked if they weren't unusually suspicious. Anyone, that was, excluding male wolves. But Sirius was not a male wolf, and must have had some coyote blood, or else he would not live amongst the Inferni members. He smelled like two different things, like Gabriel and like somewhere farther away, but she couldn't place it. Her distinct lack of taste for travel certainly kept her cooped up in the general area of Inferni. The furthest she had gone was Dahlia de Mai, and that had neither gone over well nor been simply because she felt like going somewhere else.

If you don't want to live in the caves, I could help you dig a den in the forest or... Or... Something. She still couldn't believe she'd opened up easily to him, but without Andre's face in her head she could unwind a little. It would get worse, but she didn't quite know that yet, either.


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