Take these broken wings and learn to FLY
Nevah! D: hehe, JK!

The more things progressed the better the girl was feeling about the prospect of the new pack. There was still one thing bugging her though; where the territory would be. The thought of completely leaving where they now lived saddened her. Especially the mansion. It was really too bad that all the bad things had happened there. It was really wonderful having all the pack sleeping in such a close space. Not only that, but in the winter it would provide great cover and protection from the elements. Especially since Naniko's pups would still be very young when the cold weather set in (and she didn't even have a clue how cold it got here).

Ears perked up as the all familiar howl of her leader and best friend permeated the air. Immediately Savina took off at a steady canter towards Rabbit Lake to answer the call. Running through these lands made her not want to leave them even more. She hoped that Naniko would be able to bear staying in at least part of this area. Though if she couldn't the raven wolf would understand.

Bushy tail waved happily in the air as she approached the snowy wolfess. The usual smile Naniko brought to her slender muzzle was in place. "Goodday Nani!" Coming up to her friend's side she licked her on the cheek. She was curious that if in the new pack she would be able to greet the alpha in such a manner. Savina knew that Naniko didn't mind, but still wondered if the structure might be more strict in their new family. "Need help with something?" Obviously she did, or she wouldn't have called. But oh well, never hurt to ask, right?


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