there is a fire defragmenting the attic

There were few voices he heard that did not have bad memories attached to them. The people that had said the most meaningful things had also threatened his life. It was only a matter of time. They all grew up hurting each other. Except the girl beside him had been hurt by him more than he had been by her (or at least, she had not hurt him personally. Existence was not something he could blame her for). Perhaps that was what made it so easy to latch on to, even if it the same fact was what terrified him the most. Bad habits were hard to break. He hurt people. Always had. He didn't believe that would ever change.

I don't know, he said, furrowing his brow. I don't believe in God, he repeated from before. I don't believe in angels. Who was here? Maybe someone from hell. Pretending to be God. I don't know if I believe in hell. He wasn't letting me die. Pause. The long stream of words wore him out even more, and Laruku sighed, swallowing again. Do you think I'm going to die?


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