under the weather
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_____“Actually no, there's only a couple of us that I know of,” he laughed. “A lot of folks around here don't wear any clothes at all, so we get a number of weird looks.” Not that you know, the fact that they ran around playing musical instruments and were a bunch of closet drunks didn't earn them enough stares. He supposed that he may have gotten the most stares because his appearance was probably about as outlandish as they got, with the random colours of the beads that had been in his hair for years, to the hat and his choice in clothing. Not all of it was practical, but it worked. He liked it.

_____“But they don't seem to care too much one way or another, although I wouldn't be surprised if someone doesn't ask you what you're wearing and why.” It was a wonder why he didn't turn that question back around on them—well why aren't you wearing any clothes?—but they probably had better answers for that. Why wear them? They got in the way, they made noise sometimes, they were gaudy and ugly and it was hard to find something that matched them exactly. More over, if it was a fellow who didn't shift, they were probably pretty pointless altogether. Couldn't put them on and all.


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