a most deep and subtle poison
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_____Ah, it sounded like they had quite the familial thing going on. It was enough to spark distant memories of what his home had been like, although it hadn't been some clan or pack. His family had been too true to coyotes, so very solitary and self-sufficient. But maybe that was the very thing that had made him a good traveller; even from a young age he had been able to fend for himself. The same camaraderie he had found in his brothers he had found in others. But he nodded with acknowledgement and understanding, quite aware of how they were.

_____“Sounds like quite a place. Maybe I'll have to drop by and pay a visit,” unless of course, they weren't too keen on visitors. But he didn't think that they were overly that way for some reason, maybe underneath the misnomer that they were coyotes and that coyotes didn't attack other coyotes. Even if it had happened in the past and would happen in the future. “It's not too far north of here, is it?” But if he was even going to think about visiting Inferni, he best have directions.


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