early morning
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The evening run was something that she and Vtsi, the large Leopard spotted Appaloosa, had shared together since the very moment that she had learned how to ride him. It was something that the two of them both enjoyed, a tradition for them almost, despite the lands that harbored them being strange and new. The raven woman held tightly to the beaded ropes that draped easily across the muzzle of the white and dark grey spotted horse, leaning forward against him, close to his neck. His mane whipped back against her in the force from the wind, but Ayegali smiled anyways, holding the wild mane down against him with one gentle arm. Hooves thundered against the ground as they went and once and a while the woman laughed, though the two would soon find themselves cutting their fun short.

Ayegali barely spotted him as they neared the lake, the young man sitting there. She leaned in to her friend quickly, tugging carefully on his ropes and whispering quiet words in low speech in to his ears. Vtsi obliged just as soon as she spoke, slowing his powerful legs to the point that the two came to an easy stop, just a few feet from the edge of the lake and the strange man who sat there. Patting her friend on the neck once, the dark woman swung one leg from Vtsi's side, sliding carefully off of her companion. "You look as somber as the moon." The dark woman commented quietly, keeping close to her companion. She might have been a cautious and careful woman, especially in lands that were foreign to her, but she was also a compassionate one, who knew when someone seemed like they needed another person to talk to.

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