and the war came with a curse and a caterwaul
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_____To her, it was a little strange how quickly time had gotten away. Corona relaly didn't have much recollection of her second birthday and yet she was fast approaching her third. Even funnier to remember was that her father was only a year or so older than she was, their ages so close that they should have probably been siblings than apart of a generation gap. Sometimes she almost forgot where her younger siblings, especially on her mother's side, were at in age. It was easy to think of Samael as being apart of the litter she had been born into, even though it wasn't so.

_____“I was travelling, mostly. Decide to go and see the world.” And outside of that place, it was fantastic. There were so many things that she wanted to see, but it would go on hold for now. Perhaps permanently, she didn't know. Gabriel wanted her to stay because it was the place she belonged and she agreed with that. It was nice to have that place to belong even now. “What about you? I would imagine you've lived quite an interesting life yourself,” because he was a Lykoi and had always been with Inferni to her knowledge. That equated to a certain level of excitement by default.


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