never discovered

His mission was quite clear, and all that Andre needed now was the starting line. That would be more difficult to find, for even in all of his hatred and dark, malevolent being, he was still just a child. Innocence was still there, if hidden deep beneath the folds that made up his complex being, but it had not disappeared entirely. The moment he was encountered with gnashing jaws and nails cutting through flesh would be the moment that the blood thirst skyrocketed, the moment his innocence would be entirely gone. For now, that had yet to happen, although soon he imagined he would be pitted against such odds, and soon he would know. He would know the scent of a wolf, would know the danger that the burly beasts held, but also the fact that they could be clumsy, or worse. Hybrid described them as far less superior than the coyotes, and he was a hybrid to begin with; Andre would grow large.

'Kay, the child said, the words slipping from his lips like serpents, lethargic in their descent. He didn't care; it was simply a language, and while Hybrid was quite fluent in the universal way of showing emotions to the world without the use of his voicebox, Andrezej had not even been in a fight yet. He had killed a rabbit with his father, he had threatened his siblings and glared at those who were older, but he had never brought his own resources into the fray and never felt the raking of teeth against his hide.

That would come in time.

I'm go'a go fin' 'em. And with that, the child turned and headed off in the first random direction he could find, willing to go and fight all of the wolves that the world had to present to him.


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