Walk Softly
This post fails... I have no idea why I can't focus today but I wanted to reply, grgrgr. ;__; *offers cookies*
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... ona/t8.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____It was far too easy to lose track of how many days were already passing. Normally she kept better track of them but the days and nights so far had done nothing but bleed together. But they were straightening out more and more and she was beginning to find a rhythm and routine to her days. The Dampwoods was a frequently travel-through place for Corona, despite Anselm's warning about going to Esper Hollow she did venture that way all the same. But this time she was on her way back instead of going, only choosing to stop along the way.

_____She had set up snares not too long after she had run into Draco and thought it was best to check them before too many more days had passed. Corona didn't get too far off of the trail and into the brush before she came across the first one and found the rabbit strung up high in the tree. Smiling to herself as she pulled herself up into the lower branches of the old tree, there was a sense of accomplishment to follow her motions. She had set snares before but the hares had always eluded them, at least until now.


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