within my bones this resonates

Empusa didn't fall far behind and Faolin smiled and winked at the girl. She was kind of young to be out hunting with the pack, but it would not be fair to exclude her. Faol was going to make sure that Empusa would not get trampled or hit. Gabriel words quickly turned her attention back to him and she smiled and nodded. Okay, so it would be easier to keep an eye on the young girl. She doubted Gabriel would put her out right on the deer anyway. Faolin nodded, paws digging into the ground wanting to run and have the wind whip at her. She wanted to sink her teeth into the hide of that creature. A shiver trailed down her spine just thinking about it. It was cold and it would be welcoming to finally be able to run. As soon as Gabriel took off, she followed closely behind, red eyes flashing back to Empusa following behind her.


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