down to rest
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_____He seemed surprised to know that she was Ahren's daughter and though she nodded, she though they bore a resemblance that naturally named them father and daughter. But it was probably the coyote physique she bore that threw them all off in the end; quarter-coyote or not, Corona may as well have been one on build alone. “Some fools from Dahlia de Mai took her hostage. We got her back through negotiations but she's very shook up about everything. She's only a child,” and that was about as much as she was willing to give.

_____There was a resentment in her voice that burned like the spark in her eyes, but the war was over. Corona had no desire to visit their part of the coast and even less desire to talk about it with too many others. But Esper Hollow was a neutral party; an ally, even. “But I appreciate you keeping vigil over them when I'm not here,” she went on to say, the deep seated angry settling and her usual demeanour sitting in its place. Though Endymion seemed to be a little roughed up on the edges, she figured he hadn't been around too long. Who knew where he had come from and though his surname should have rung a distant bell, she couldn't hear it.

_____It had simply been too long.


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