with reliquary eyes and a diadem frown
Suddenly she didn't know. She didn't know what to do or say, whether to scream and cry or toss it all aside and attack. Instead of letting the sense of loss get the best of her, at least at that moment, instead of letting her emotions and feelings of blame get in her way, she continued on. Her eyes were suddenly removed from the older woman, settled on the ground in the exact spot that she meant to place the rock. Almost the exact spot, anyways, as Corona was now there. Finally, after a few excruciating steps, she dropped it to the ground with a harsh thud, leaving both hands to rest on top of it. "Me too." She spoke finally, tired and quiet and hurt and a million things all at once. Even if she didn't think her brother should have been killed, even if she was so furious with them, she still understood the things that he had done.


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