with reliquary eyes and a diadem frown
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_____Maybe it shouldn't have surprised her to hear such a thing, but she couldn't hide that. Knowing that Laruku said those kind of things almost irritated her, especially when it was to his daughter. His only daughter, the only child he had who hovered over him and held onto him because he was the life raft in her open ocean. “He doesn't know what he's saying. Even my father has said things that sound like he means it but he doesn't. None of them know what they're saying half of the time.” But what if he was just as coherent as Ahren was? What if he was so coherent that he meant every word that he said? “But as sick as they are, I'm shouldn't be so surprised to hear that. Dying just probably sounds easier than having to suffer every day. Having to see us hover over them trying to make them better, trying to ease how bad they're feeling.” But she would have kept doing it regardless of what they were saying. She did anyway, every chance she could get away from Inferni to see them.


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