I can feel his approach like a fire in my blood

http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk42 ... bottom.jpg) no-repeat; background-position: center bottom; width: 400px;" align="center">

OOC: Sure. And sorry for the fail

He came back slowly, taking a long time, as if he were blind or dead or both. His whole body ached in a dull throb, his joints pianful points with every step, his eyes unfocused, lost, searching for something that was not there. He would sometimes jerk awake, out of this stupor, thinking he'd heard Skoll's voice, but that was all pretense, nonsense for the puppies, not for grown wolves like him. He entered Souls as the sun was setting, his own mind in darkness. Looking around, he tried to think of one place he could go. Nothing sprang to mind. Shadowed Sun was no longer home, Twilight Vale was an unknown land, Inferni would kill him and Dahlia de Mai had her, the one who had claimed him so well. He knew of no other pack. And truly, why would he go there anyway? Skoll would still be dead.

Lubomir had never felt such despair since his family had died. Dead. They were all dead. Frigg and One-Eye and all from the Old Country. And now Skoll. He whimpered slightly and shut his eyes tightly, as if to chase away pain and suffering from his heart. He merely shut it away, the dead expression claiming his features once more. The grey wolf trod on hopelessly. Soon the covers of the Dampwoods claimed him and he paused once more. Go back to Shadowed Sun? No. Nothing more for him there. Perhaps try and go back to the Old Country? The journey would kill him, no doubt. But it would mean a lot more than waiting for death here. He thought of Asphyxia, of how he had treated her after Skoll's death. She had seemed genuinely hurt. Perhaps he ought to apologise. Sighing, he made as if to head towards Inferni when the flash of white caught his eye.

An angel. The angel. Calling his name. He remembered Mew, the softness of her fur, the way she had seemed so fragile on that, their one and only meeting. Lubomir wondered why she would call for him. Was she in trouble? Why so close to Inferni? Did she want to die or something? The thought woke something in him, stirred a beast within. He could not let her die. He shifted, a form he hated but might be required, if nothing else to shoulder the coyotes off her. And then he ran. Before his eyes more horrible images flashed, Mew dead, bleeding, needing him. When he saw her standing there, unharmed, his heart skipped a beat. She was just as beautiful as he remembered her. He also could recall comparing her to the Phoenix girl. Ember. The grey wolf could hardly recall Ember's face, and that both hurt and soothed his heart. Slowly approaching the female he whispered softly, 'Angel. You are here. What is wrong, my beautiful one? Can I soothe your fears and chase the shadows?' His voice sounded hoarse, like it had when Skoll died. But his eyes, which had been dead for so long, now sparkled slightly.


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