come together.

_____He was pretty sure he had heard of Shadowed Sun one way or another, albeit it didn't really ring too distant of a bell. Twilight Vale on the other hand, he knew about. He knew a few faces from there because they were the neighbour from the south… but he had thought they were better off than that. Laurel didn't linger long to that notion, only nodding plainly as Khaden spoke. It was Ember's comments however, that provoked a better reaction out of him. “It's a small world,” he chuckled, knowing the real truth in that. Damn near everyone was related to one another, he was learning. “But we've always got room here. I don't know about spare tents or anything but there might be a couple of things laying around you guys can have.”

_____But of course, if they were looking to stay permanent, which he surmised with himself, there were other things at hand. “And if you're looking to stick around for a while, even better. We could always use a few more hands to do things. Either one of you two have a handy skill?” And even if they didn't, that was fine too. Even menial tasks were good enough, especially when they thrived very much on the whole help one another to help oneself kind of thing. Talk about the sick shack and its inhabitants would come a bit later; he had already mentioned the sick to Ember previously but it was always needing a reiteration.

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