ghosts of tomorrow
He shrugged at the words she said and stared off towards the large house. "Better he's gone.. if he just walked away.. then hopefully he won't return. I wouldn't want to be here if he returned, atleast not when he faces mother.." His dark stormy eyes glittered with amusement at the idea of what would befall the man that had disappeared. If he was dead then atleast Iskata had suffered and recovered, but if he was alive and returned.. he'd enjoy watching his mother wring someone else a new one.

Flicking his ears back awkwardly he shook his head sadly and turned back towards his sibling. "Not now.. I have other affairs to attend to.. " like finding his shadows, the darker one and the new lighter shadow. He smiled to himself that he'd just lost Firefly as his tag-a-long and now he'd aquired Apollo. The dark hued male didn't mind, atleast it gave him something to occupy himself with, a friend of sorts, though he wondered if the boy really could see past what he was.. or just wanted to be different.

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