inside and out
She narrowed her eyes and smirked as she taunted the second in command, "I'd assume that concern is for your little guard dog?" she commented. She doubted that the clan really cared what happened to her, in the end she'd either be dead or gone from their fur sooner than later. Moving away from the male she turned to the pile of books and cracked the spine of one of them as she flipped it open. She didn't worry about herself, there was two ways she'd be leaving this place and she knew it by now.

The silence was broken as he asked if there was anything she needed. She was beginning to feel more like a pampered pet than a prisoner and she wasn't sure how in the world to handle the change in treatment. She turned back to him and asked, "Is this some game?" She wasn't sure how to handle this male, she was the enemy, she'd killed one of his packmates and here he was piling presents at her doorstep. Something was ringing as fishy in her mind and she wasn't about to agree to anything.. "Should you be trusted?" she asked hotly, wondering just why he seemed to be making excuses to return.

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