deep in the town of Chewandswallow
Oh how easy it would be just for him to tip his head back and laugh, she was so worried about everything that was connected to nature. That she was blind to the fact that they were all connected, the tree wouldn't be there if not for shade for them, and if they are able to make a meal out of something they should, they need to eat in order to live, but he didn't laugh at her. He didn't even have a twitch of a smile upon his face. He would respect her feelings, and he would show the lady a nice evening and he would be that gentlemen that his father had wanted him to be.

"No we will make the death to them quick and painless. I will make sure of it.”

The male grunted as he slowly started to shift down. He was going hunt with the lady the old fashion way, as he promised. He wanted the lady to know that he was a male of his word.

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