How'd it get this far?

indent"I may not be Alpha but perhaps I should be." And there it was, the first time that Phasma had ever spoken out of anger and not out of sense. How dare he. It was all that she could think, really, as she stood staring at him. It was suddenly very obvious that he didn't understand and, sadly, Phasma suddenly felt as if he hadn't even tried to understand. Calming herself, though only slightly, she took another breath and spoke once more. "I would hope beyond all else that my leadership would do the same as I. That they would go and find out everything they could before deciding what they thought about my judgment. What I did was more for myself than it was for you, else I could've just decided that you were a moron and nothing more."

indentThe calm woman, the one that would rather retreat and keep everyone safe than fight, was practically spitting her words at him. Here he was, angry because he thought that she assumed him incompetent, when he was now himself assuming. "I'd actually decided that perhaps you hadn't thought it through completely in how sudden it all happened, that maybe you needed a little guidance in thinking of all the things that could happen. That is why I came to you now, after I'd made my decision, yet you assume that I set out to turn everyone against you." She shook her head then, obvious that her anger had turned more to hurt than anything. "Perhaps I should have stuck to just thinking you a moron." Quiet and pained came her words then. She was ready to give up. Why stay with an Alpha that had so little faith in her?


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