life is a perception of your own reality
That's fine with me. We could always move it to another forum if it takes too long?

He accepted the change of subject without question. It was understandable that se didn’t want to continue to discuss the war. The fact that she was here to avoid it, along with the defensive edge to the reply to his question was enough to warn him that if their conversation continued on this track, it wouldn’t be pleasant.

Ehno simply nodded at first in response to her question. Idly, he pawed at the water as he remembered his adventure at sea. “Yes,” he said after a moment, finally thinking he should elaborate. “I was born in a place called Italy, if you’ve ever heard of it. Eventually I decided to wander around the continent, and before I knew it I was on a ship. Shortly after that I ended up stranded here.” It was the most condensed version of his tale, good for just quickly explaining his story and possibly gauging interest; he didn’t want to bore her with details if she didn’t care to hear them.

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