How'd it get this far?
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It was a complete shock, seeing Phasma speak so rashly. Back in the day he’d admired her for her rashness, her calm ability to keep going on despite the hardships in her life. He’d believed that if either of them had their act together, it was her. Now… he wasn’t so certain. Her words angered him, and a quick retort rose in his throat—“You couldn’t even keep Syemv t’gether, how do you expect to run Storm?”—but he reigned himself in, as he’d conditioned himself to do. To give in to negative emotions was to lose control and put himself in danger. That was the attitude that kept him alive as a young, and that was the attitude that still served him well as an adult… most of the time.

Still, he was not completely above emotional reaction, and his eyes narrowed as she spoke. “That might’ve been a good idea,” he said, “’Cept you never came t’me t’get my or Skoll’s side of th’story, not that I recall. I’ll admit, I didn’t expect my decision t’become th’big deal that is has, an’ I admit, I hadn’t thought it all th’way through. But, I was there when Skoll was banned. I know more about what happened than you think. Skoll didn’t have any business over in Inferni, yeah, but he did what he bleieved was th’right thing t’do. Gibraltar was originally gonna jus’ demote him as punishment for puttin’ Storm at risk. He didn’t ban him until Skoll started speakin’ disrespectfully towards him… in fact, right now you sound jus’ like he did that day.” It was a surprising comparison, one that Phoenix himself didn’t even realize until he brought the memories up and compared them to the situation at hand. Oh, what twisted irony this whole damned situation was.

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