Take these broken wings and learn to FLY
Once Twilight Vale had broken up, Ehno still found himself lingering around what had previously been the pack lands. When the pack had been disbanded, he had been quite surprised. Even now he wasn’t too sure why the pack had suddenly disappeared, but there wasn’t exactly anything he could to about it. But he was used to things quickly changing after spending so much time traveling, never staying in one place for too long. So he simply accepted the change and decided to go with the flow.

Ehno knew he wasn’t the only ex-Twilight Vale member still living there. Despite the sudden end to the pack, the pack members were taking longer to move on. And Ehno knew that he wouldn’t be leaving the area unless Savina had somewhere else in mind to stay. He was determined to stay near his sister now that he had been reunited with her. But he vaguely remembered hearing that Naniko was planning on moving the pack somewhere else, starting over. He was sure he would hear about it if the plans were coming close to fruition.

As soon as the male woke up this morning, he ventured down to the shore where he had first saw his sister after so long. He spent his time there sitting at the shore, looking out to the ocean and wondering just where life would take him next. His meandering thoughts were interrupted by a howl from Naniko. Without question he stood and took off in the direction of the call, hoping that he wouldn’t be too late. He eventually made it to the lake where he saw Naniko, Savina, and a young wolf he wasn’t too familiar with. He came to a halt when he neared the group and sat next to his sister, offering each wolf present a smile in greeting while Naniko finished speaking; he didn’t want to interrupt.

He had only caught the end of her statement, but it sounded like she was talking about the great house. “Sticking with the mansion?” It was more of a statement than a question, but it would help clue him in on the subject they were discussing before he arrived.

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