deep in the town of Chewandswallow

He laughed at her, and her beliefs. It made her face grow hot, and the insides of her ears turned bright, her form of blushing. He moved quickly, shifting to his smaller and four legged form, there was a chance that he hadn’t noticed her reaction. There was little time to think it over, unless she wanted to loose him in the crowded wood.

Following his lead Anu started into the forest, shifting as she moved. Closer to the ground she picked up her speed, finding the black male quickly and with no trouble. She stretched her legs, covering as much ground as her body would allow. The night’s scent washed over her, becoming fully aware of all the lived among her friendly trees.

He may be able to draw sap from a tree and cook tasty meals, but she was sure that she could out run him. Her body was light, but her muscle lean and strong. They propelled her over the ground with no effort, letting her glide through the air. Prey was plentiful, and her keen nose took little time to find it. They moved together, as their instincts dictated. It was natural for them to hunt side by side, even though they had just met.


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