i am the river and i will take you to see
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_____She disappeared beneath the surface and he hadn't thought much about it, other than hoping she didn't swim up towards him on the coast. It was a fear of her grabbing him while he was standing in knee deep water that was on his mind, but more of her getting caught up in his fishing line. Taking hooks out of eyes wasn't really his thing. With the taste of salt water in his mouth, the next few moment were spent without much action at all, at least until the beach-goer resurfaced and had something in her hands. Or more like, something had a hold of her. He recognised it to be a crab by the colour of its shell, but was a bit surprised to find that they liked the cold water. Cold water that at any point was making his toes go numb. “Never a crab, but I've had other things with pincers like that grab my feet before. Crawdads mostly,” he offered up with a shrug. “You should be able to just pull him off though, he's pretty tiny.”


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