
The city loomed overhead and the red hued dog unconsciously slunk along closer to the ground, as if to ward off the unknown that lurk in the surrounding buildings. Having seen the manor at Twilight Vale and the short, stout buildings in the cemetery close to the city Leland was not completely unfamiliar with buildings, though the concept of actually using the human’s refuse was all still new to him. However he hadn’t imagined that hollowed out shells that once housed the two legged could seem so menacing, but then again, until he came upon the city streets he had never imagined such tall creations could be built, by luperci or humans. Leland tentatively considered entering one and finding his way to the top, but as he approached the first one, one of the taller ones, anxiety ceased him and Leland discovered that he was terrified of the idea.

Instead he opted for one of the shorter buildings, and approached it with no such ambitions as climbing to the roof. As an added bonus, and perhaps a contributing factor in his decision to pick such a building, it was already occupied by a canine. Female, and a canine like he had never seen before, which was quite a novel concept as normally his coat was the oddity in other’s eyes. Clearing his throat at the shifted female, Leland bowed his head politely. "’Cuse me miss. I hope I’m not interrupting much. My name’s Leland." Bi-colored eyes flitted over the pot of water, the bird, and then back to the lady. "Errm... whatcha doing with that pot? If I may ask." It was clear she was boiling water, but why?

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