when nobody's watching
I’ll be slow for the next couple of days. Sorry. D:

Something had happened, and there was no denial set in her features to ward off the thought. She was back, she was shaken (by the presence of a coyote at that, albeit an unfamiliar one), and she far enough away from home to stir more than just offhand curiosity. The situation had various warning signs plastered all over it—and so did she. Jesile’s nature clearly indicated that, if someone was family, connected to family, or even so disconnected as a stranger, he wanted to help. He was concerned for their well-being. Talitha was somewhere along the lines of family in his eyes. Just where she stood was yet to be decided, but it didn’t matter because she was his sister’s daughter. That fact implicitly overrode anything else.
I’m Jesile, he replied, gauging what he could or could not do, things that would let her know he wasn’t a threat, and things that would set her off in panic. In the end, he simply remained still. He didn’t move away, but he didn’t sit or imply in any way that he would stay if she didn't want him to. He remained relaxed in posture, and he didn’t move a muscle. Mogotsi. And now she would know who he was in a relative sense, or think he was lying in order to make her feel comfortable until he was ready to strike for whatever reason. The bottom line in this was that she was afraid, and anything was possible.

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