darkness becomes

What is it you see that disturbs you so much? Adelaida tilted her head, with a scowl now. She hadn’t been displaying any signs of displeasure. Sure, their interactions were awkward, but she was trying to give him a chance. Why did he want to push her away? How presumptious of him to assume the very sight of his disturbed her. It was true, she found coyotes to be repulsive, but he was not a coyote through and through, so she could have given him a chance, but now... Now she could see that he was like the others. Coyotes always assumed they were superior in many ways, one of which was to assume what others were thinking. Adelaida shook her head, to indicate he was wrong. Yes, the idea that hybrids existed and the disgusting pairing that had to occur had crossed her mind, but unless DaVinci possessed telepathy he never would have known her inner most private thoughts. No, he was assuming, probably based on past experiences and Adelaida’s social awkwardness, but he wasn’t allowing Adelaida the chance she was trying to give him.

“How presumptions of you to assume that. Nothing before disturbed me, but now you do. Perhaps there is something that disturbs you about yourself that you come to expect others to?” Adelaida spit the words out. Perhaps DaVinci hated his dirty coyote blood, and while Adelaida had wanted to, she hadn’t. Not until this point. Perhaps he could be redeemed, perhaps he had spoken too quickly. Or perhaps he existed as all other coyotes did, a world of their own with their own rules.


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