sound the siren out through the streets
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_____Corona really couldn't say what made any family successful, though she had ideas why or how. Good genes probably did attribute greatly in some, it also mattered on how many survived per litter and just how quickly they all bred from there on out. Especially if any of them were anything like either one of their parents in her sibling's case; pulling six to eight kids out and having them survive only made the tree explode. But she shrugged, sure that there were many other factors than good parenting and survival rates. Not all of them would end up with children, anyway.

_____“I can't really say that I know of anyone around now that is apart of some big family. But on the other side of the mountain, my father's step-mother was apart of quite a large family as well, the D'Angelos. But I don't know what's become of all of them either, to be honest.” Misery had been in Clouded Tears with her father the last time she had seen him or her, and then Jasper had come along. After that, she had been amiss as to what had happened and also felt like Misery would have passed on by now. She hadn't been doing so well the last time she had seen her. “I think the Sadira's were another large family too… I remember my mother talking about their grudge with Inferni from years ago.” But again, who knew what had become of all of them.


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