come together.

_____As the camp site rolled up into view through the trees, Laurel's olive-tinted eyes scanned it over passively for a moment before shaking his head. “No caves that I know of, but I think there may be an old den somewhere in that direction,” in which he gestured, “that belonged to someone who was with us for a while. He moved on, I assume, since I haven't seen him since we came to settle here.” Free for the taking and if he came back, well, they'd just deal with that then. But Laurel didn't think that they would see him again any time soon because he had been so outrageously out of place amongst them to begin with. An eavesdropper turned companion. “Anyway, that's the shack n’ shed I was talking about. As you can see, the rest of us are pretty much scattered around in tents.” Being travellers and all, tents were easier to disassemble and pack up and go. Buildings were much more permanent in his eyes.

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