Take these broken wings and learn to FLY
He listened intently as each wolf spoke, nodding to Ehno as he appeared. Naniko's idea to keep the pups downstairs was really for the best. He vividly remembered Noah and Tal sliding on the books down the stairs much to his dismay. Her large belly assured him that she was soon due and the forming of the new pack must go as smoothly as possible. Himself and Savina would of course be more then willing to assist. Lucifer had disappeared from Jazper's life since the disbanding of Twilight Vale.

With Duece in another pack and his father wandering the old territory Savina was the closest thing to a parent that he had currently, not that he needed one. Here he was 10 months old, helping to re-unit two packs into one. He knew in his heart he would miss Lucifer, he would follow him if i weren't for Naniko's soon to be pups. He had vowed to himself a while ago that he would protect Twilight Vale's members and now that his closest pack members were moving on to create a new home he would follow suit. His duty to himself in this moment was to protect Naniko's future, and the future pack. He was however, very happy that he could keep his room in the mansion. He was going to be decorating in the next few days after he went into town.

At Savina's mention of the lake he nodded enthusiastically, "That goes without saying. Having part of the lake and the mansion in our territory will force us to stay very close to our old territory." He stated factually, "I think we should keep the western part of our territory and head further west for land. There's good hunting land to the west of the territories. It'll be more then suitable to support growing pups, and a large pack if the time arises and we bring in new members." He spoke with confidence in a warm voice. A trademark he had received form his mothers, all of whom spoke softly around him.

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