Dream World

Sorry about the delay... I was having a couple of depressed days because my ferret passed away... TT__TT But I'll try to be more punctual...


I know.

Of course he knew. She laughed inwardly at herself. He would have known that she was a newcomer from her scent, and he would not have required her telling. But, sometimes the most obvious things required a voicing. Yet, she did not think that was one of them. She wondered how he had received that comment; perhaps he felt that she had insulted his intelligence. Or perhaps he had not received it in any particular way and she was merely over thinking the matter. Whatever the case may have been, the woad-marked fae remained silent, unsure as to how to respond. (How she always seemed to be in such a situation!)

Then the optime was moving, not gracefully, not clumsily. He simply moved, but it was as he were meant to, and that made it all the more beautiful. Cwmfen nic Graine loved the simple things in life, the small things that mattered most to the heart. She enjoyed simply watching things at times, and his movements were one that she had just found. They were unique from the others that she had seen move, but, of course, all things had their signature. She noticed his limp, and it hindered his movements, making any sort of travel cumbersome. The black female was curious as to how he had obtained such a wound, but she refrained from asking. After all, they had only just met. It was not her place to pry into the business of others.

As the form of the grey male slipped behind the tree, Cwmfen rose. Her movements were fluid, as free as quicksilver, and perhaps just as dangerous. She was quiet, and her lithe, sinuous form (which she had inherited from the structure of the people of her sire) aided in her relative silence. She tried to shake the sleep from her soul, but it clung to her like an oppressive cloud. Yet, she did not succumb to its pull, for she did wish to know more of the brown-eyed optime. The luminescent orbs followed the path that the male had taken, and she hesitated, wondering if she were permitted to follow. Her banded paw started forward thrice before she decided to pursue him.

As she rounded the corner, he spoke to her again. His voice took on a different tone, but that tone did not impress upon her. She was hardly ever moved by another’s personality, unless, of course, disrespect were to be involved. That was not the case here, however, and she responded with a light hearted smile. “Oh no, it wasn’t your fault. I was having a Dream...” Her melodic lilt faded into silence as the images flashed violently within her mind. There was no hint of such an experience upon her face, however, save for the barely perceptible fear, excitement, and confusion that flickered in the depths of those radiant orbs, but the moment was soon gone and with it the window of her soul was shut. A nearly forced smile followed soon after.

She stood behind him and to the right, so as to not get in his way. The woad-marked female watched him with interest as he knelt to examine a treasure. He seemed to recognize the necklace as he lifted it from the earth, or perhaps he merely recognized what the pendant was made of. Cwmfen really did not know, and she felt the weight of her naïveté. “Did you lose something?” Her head tilted slightly, the banded maw reaching forward a bit as if wanting to scent the thing which he held. As the grey optime rose, Cwmfen, for her proximity, could almost feel his pain in her mind like a red-white lightning. The black fae’s breath caught short in her throat as she experienced only a fraction of what he had. Yet, he did not wince nor did he grunt, he merely frowned, and so she too remained silent.

Shaking off what had just occurred, she took a step forward to get a better look at the necklace at it caught the light.


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