check yes, juliet
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Their backdrop was drawn into the spotlight, and he returned his brother's fiery smile with a roguish grin of his own. An explorer's sense lingered far below the calm and clear shell of him, and he was itching to do anything but discuss the fate of the tribe. Sure, it was something he had to deal with, being the chief's eldest brother and the eldest son of the prior pair, but even he could let go of politics and wondering how things would turn out for a moment enough to scout. He was a lot more patient in nature than Itsihnalv, and picked his way toward the pirate ship more cautiously, but reached it swiftly enough. A quick hop placed him on the creaking and unstable deck of the ship, but he didn't feel any need to panic; it hadn't made more than just those noises.

I wonder how many years this ship has seen, he mused aloud, running a hand up along the cracked wood of the mast until the break, where it had been snapped clean off. He couldn't even tell what type of wood it was, or the age of it, simply because it was so waterlogged and old that it was impossible to know any longer. Wood grumbled underfoot as he moved cautiously across the wide deck, and the longer squeaks caused him to stop and freeze, sucking his breath in.

But at the end of the day, the scout would face any dangers if it meant he would have the chance to explore more.


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