i wanna heal your deepest scars
The answer that Talitha gave her was the only bit of information that she needed to know to have some sort of understanding that her brother would likely not be around for much longer. If he were smart he would run away and not return, but the girl had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy. "Esper Hollow is southwest of Inferni, quite a bit a distance away, but even so, you can find me there. I can head back this way to check on you some time, also." She assured her, finding it to be a very difficult thing, trying to find words or ways to comfort someone. It was much easier with her ill father. All it seemed to take was a soothing voice and whatever words that she could find.

"He's tried to kill me before." She answered the question quietly, almost sadly. "Once or twice." At least, from what she could remember. "After I left Inferni to stay with my dad a while, he threatened to kill me, it kind of made me afraid to go back. I think Gabe exiled him shortly after that.." It was actually kind of hard to remember exactly, despite having not been that long ago. The stress from losing Arkham and now possibly her father was proving to weigh in on her in a way she didn't quite expect. She had always believed Andre, that he would one day kill her, but she never would have expected him to do something to someone he really didn't know. She didn't think he knew her well, at the very least.


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