can't find words
"Thank you." She offered him quietly, as politely as she could with all of the thoughts that were bogging down her brain. She hoped that he understood that she did appreciate it, but also that the fact that her father was ill was something that suddenly worried her. Rachias stayed quiet for a bit as they continued along, allowing a moment every now and again for her eyes to sweep the area around them, taking in what she could so that she would remember the area in the case that she left and came back. It seemed easy enough, a straight shot through the lands.

The girl breathed a quiet sigh of relief as they came upon the camp, suddenly paying much more attention than she had been previously, forcing her mind away from her worries long enough to hear his words. She followed the motion of his hands with her head, searching the areas that he gestured to with her eyes, and nodding as a sign that she understood. Finally, just as they reached the shack, they stopped. She turned to him to thank him once more, but her words stopped even before they started as he spoke again. A frown settled on her face, staring up at him, and she nodded. "I know." Her tone was grim and serious, it was obvious that even that would not stop her from entering. "Thank you again, Laurel." Her last words before she turned and made her way toward the shack.


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