Wishing upon that star

Famine had struck the lands and the great leaders of the past was not able to help them, they turned their head away to the whole tribe, not even the fellow tribes would let them in. There was no place for an older lady whom had just lost her litter to live; she was more of a traitor in every tribe’s eyes, then useful. She knew if the great leaders of the past would have never wanted her to have the pup they wouldn’t have let her body carried them, nor would they have let her birthed them, she blamed the child’s passing upon her, due to the famine that had attacked the lands she didn’t make the milk that she needed to feed them. She accepted that fate.

Seeing the lady of bronze and cream the mix she wolf dipped her head, she was old and had a hard time when her tribe had taken their own ways, each knowing that this was the last time they where one. The lady was lucky and had found these lands that offered life. Though if the life was willing to let her live and be a part of their lands was an issue that she wasn’t for sure if she knew the answer. The coyote wolf female began shifting to lower her frame towards the ground just a bit, though it wasn’t an issue of her standing higher than the she wolf that now sat in front of her. ”Yes miss. I’m looking for a tribe, clan, pack...Whatever you may call it to join, and live with. She had her age against, her, no longer in her prime and the lack of food and taken a bite off of her health also, she knew that with fresh kill and a bit of rest, she would be fine, and she would regain most of her strength that she had before the pup came to being about, but sadly not all, age was slowly but surely taking it’s fair toll upon her body.

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